Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Explanatory Synthesis Notes

What Am I Explaining?

I am explaining the importance of safe drinking water and having it be accessible to the entire world's population.  Majority of the people in the United States take clean drinking water for granted.  People in less fortunate, third-world countries do not have access to clean drinking water or even a toilet.  Middle class citizens that live in wealthier nations do not think of water as a gift, but as something that is easily attainable and something we overlook.  I am going to explain some solutions to help the global water crisis as well as state facts of what is occurring around the world now in terms of water shortages and poor water quality.

My first source is an image that shows some statistics of what the water situation is like around the world.  It states that 1 in 8 people don't have access to safe water.  There is also a pie chart that shows the world's water population and how a small sliver of that water is freshwater.  The other chart shows that most of the earth's surface is covered with saltwater.  This image demonstrates that out of the earth's water, oceans make up most of the whole and with salt water it needs to be purified and desalinated to be able to drink.  The problem with this is the cost factor.  Most of the earth's water is salt water/ocean water and not in a drinkable state.

My second source is titled "Facing the Global Water Crisis" and talks about the technology behind the crisis and how it is due to technology that we do not have the drinking water we need.  It again talks about the oceans and how if we were to open up more desalination plants, it would become extremely costly.  It goes on to explain innovations in technology and perhaps other strategies that will be used to help the global water crisis.

Lastly, my third source explains the importance of improving the global water crisis and more of the statistics behind the crisis and what we are facing in terms of solving the crisis.

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